Im a Page 3 model – men are intimidated by job but I want Prince Charming

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    Everyone wants their fairytale ending , but sadly it doesn't come easy for everyone.

    Despite wanting marriage and kids, Page 3 model Chloe Sheldrake has struggled to land her Mr Right in the past. And she thinks it's because men are "intimidated" by her job.

    She just wants to ride away in the sunset with her Prince Charming – but sadly, meeting the man of her dreams often turns into a nightmare.

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    Now speaking exclusively with Daily Star, Chloe revealed how she thinks she's getting it wrong – as she believes it has something to do with her job as a Page 3 girl.

    Discussing her current dating life, the beauty said: "It's awful, I don't know what's going on but I need some professional help, I think I've given up.

    "I keep going to parties meeting the man of my dreams, then he turns out to be a nightmare. I'm very fussy I know but I've been single for so long now I really don't know where my Prince Charming is hiding.

    "Even going through a holiday romance this year broke my heart. Dating life sucks."

    When it comes to her career, Chloe fears a lot of men are intimidated by it and feel jealous about what she does. She admitted: "I would love to find a man that respects this decision and is proud of me instead of being funny about it!"

    "I think it's a great thing to be seen in the newspapers and do modelling, I just want someone to say that's my girl and be happy about it," Chloe continued.

    Fortunately for the model, her sex life hasn't taken much of a hit these days as she's been "active lately", despite all. She admitted: "I would rather have a nice cuddle than just sleep with them.

    "I'm at that stage in life where I really would like to find someone." Although the Page 3 model has a type, all she wants in a relationship is one thing – loyalty.

    She claimed it's important to have someone to care for her and be her rock through the bad times. She explained: "I need him to be there for me and it would be lovely to have someone who wants a family in the future.

    "Also someone that wants the same dream is me moving abroad I would love to bring my children up in Spain when I have some haha!"

    We do hope Chloe doesn't have to wait much longer for her fairytale ending!

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