We've discovered the female equivalent of the Roman Empire trend

There’s been a lot of chat about the Roman Empire over the last few days, after a new TikTok trend has shed light on just how often men think about.

And it’s safe to say the results have been surprising. So much so, that it’s prompted us to dig deep and ask men what it is about this historical period that fascinates them so much.

It also begs the question, if men think about the Roman Empire on a monthly, weekly, and sometimes even daily basis: what’s the equivalent for women?

People on TikTok have shared a few of their own theories – the love letter Alex Turner wrote Alexa Chung in the late noughties as well as the Real Housewives, to name a few. But enough speculating, we asked women for their equivalent of the Roman Empire trend – here’s what they had to say…

Evie – The Tudors

‘My version of the Roman Empire is the Tudors – specifically the six wives of Henry VIII. I often get lost in thoughts about the injustices they faced, their lavish outfits, and Six the Musical. I also never fail to get second-hand mortification when I imagine how Anne of Cleves felt when she was accused of catfishing Henry with her portrait.

‘I know my friends feel the same way – in our girls group chat, we recently debated which of his wives had the best vibes and unanimously decided Jane Seymour was a “pick me girl” because she bore him a son.’

Ella – Mean Girls

‘I feel Mean Girls is the female equivalent of the Roman Empire purely because of how quotable it is. I think it’s probably come to the point where it’s so ubiquitous that the majority of us say Mean Girls quotes without even acknowledging we’re quoting a movie – everybody just knows.

‘So I think it’s similar to the Roman Empire in that it lays dormant in our subconscious constantly, and it’s extremely relevant so we’re always easily reminded of it.

‘I honestly quote it at the very least, weekly. And if it’s not me quoting it, it’s someone else.’

Gemma-Louise – Princess Diana

‘For me, it’s Princess Diana. I think about her any time I see any of the Royals on the news or social media, particularly her children. I was six when she died and I think it was the first time I saw a lot of my family crying. It’s a strange one but I think it’s true for lots of other women.’

Krysten – Sex and the City

‘The woman equivalent to men and the Roman Empire is Sex and the City. You heard me right. The four ladies have undoubtedly inspired and influenced multiple generations to think “What Would Carrie/Samantha/Miranda or Charlotte Do?” 

‘From their confidence to their fashion sense, sexual prowess, and dating snafus, it fully encapsulates what it means to be a single woman in your 30s.

‘I watch the old episodes at least a handful of times per month and I’m currently doing a full rewatch now.’

Hope – Murder and true crime

‘I’m obsessed with true crime podcasts – mainly around famous murders, cults and mysterious killings or deaths. I think it’s universal for women, I’ve seen others mention it and I think a lot of women enjoy true crime.

‘I’d have to say I think about most days, as that’s how often I listen to and consume true crime content. 

‘My boyfriend thinks I’m weird because listening to stories about murders is my idea of “relaxing and unwinding”. It does at times feel a little insensitive but it’s more of a fascination and, I guess, it’s sadly educational – especially when it comes to women’s safety.’

Beth – Tom Holland’s lip sync battle

‘I think it’s reflective of a man comfortable in his own sexuality and it was significant in the context of the Tom Holland / Zendaya relationship timeline – it’s hard to imagine how someone could not fall for someone after showing that they don’t take themselves too seriously.

‘There’s something just inherently sexy about the video and I think it’s a quality that not a lot of men have, so hence the regularly returning to it – and the responses I got to a Tweet suggest I’m not alone in revisiting it often!’

Erica – Ex best friends

‘As an anxious person I overthink a lot of things but I do look back at past friendships and sort of scrutinise what went wrong, who wronged who, who’s to blame for the friendship falling apart, and what lessons could be learned from it.

‘I think women generally tend to be more emotional, or at least, more emotionally-led, and so maybe a TV show or a song or something might trigger a memory and that will set off another set of memories that will always lead back to her.’

Faima – Fleabag scenes

‘I think the “female Roman empire” has to be scenes out of Fleabag. The bus stop goodbye, that chaotic dinner scene, the symbolism of love in the fox appearances that the priest tries to shoo away. There’s so much to think about.

‘I think about it maybe a few times a month, I just really like Phoebe Waller-Bridge and think the writing is so excellent. There’s so much on the show that shares the universal experience of women, too.’

Kristina – Zac Efron’s Bet On It Dance

‘I often think of Zac Efron as Troy Bolton singing and dancing his way around a golf course. If you’re part of the High School musical generation, you’ll know exactly what I’m referring too in the criminally-underrated second instalment of the HSM trilogy.

‘I wouldn’t say the cinematic masterpiece pops into my head every day, but it’s about once a week. This is likely due to the fact that my long-distance bestie is as equally as obsessed with the sequence as I am. TikTok and Instagram serve us both Bet On It memes (it’s more relevant to daily life than you might think), we always seem to watch it when we’re together and yes, we’ve learnt some of the choreo. It’s an incredibly niche way to keep us connected, and always brings a smile to my face.

‘I’m also pretty sure I’m not alone with this one. Zac Efron was the millennial heart-throb – and this is him at his finest.’


Philippa – The Victorian Era

‘Both from my personal standpoint and my professional background in health and wellness, the Victorian Era springs to mind.

‘The Victorian age reminds us of a time when relationships were nurtured through words, patience, and genuine emotional investment. And, as someone deeply involved in holistic wellness, I believe that fostering deep, emotional bonds is integral to our well-being.’

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