David Cameron is back from the dead – but will high stakes return help or hinder Rishi as he purges the right | The Sun

AS BIG reveals go, it does not get more dramatic than Rishi Sunak’s breakfast bulleting of Suella Braverman and the Lazarus-like return of former Prime Minister David Cameron.

The long-awaited government reshuffle would have already been explosive enough, but when those familiar pink cheeks were spotted getting out of an armoured Land Rover, Westminster went into meltdown.

The only person in the Cabinet to have ever won a Tory leadership election and a general election is not the PM, but the Foreign Secretary.

Sunak will play up “Dave’s” decades of experience and will be delighted to bring back a big hitter, while quietly ignoring the fact he was attacking him over HS2 just a few weeks ago.

Yet while dramatic it is not a decision without massive dangers for the PM.

Cameron was the poster boy for Remain and some argue his storming off in 2016 when he didn’t like the result is part of the reason the Tories got into such a mess for so many years.



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To bring him back on the same day that the leading light of the Tory right is sent to the backbenches, is a big signal from the centre on the direction of travel No10 wants to go now.

Many on the right have never forgiven Cameron’s behaviour during his “Project Fear” referendum campaign, while some on the Tory left think his catastrophic error of judgement was letting the vote ever take place.

And his foreign policy record is chequered, to say the least.

The lack of preparation for Brexit ahead of the 2016 vote was a national scandal and his “Golden Era” of close relations with China is now known in Whitehall as the Golden Error.

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And MPs have already raised eyebrows over his branding of Gaza as an “open air prison” in 2012, given the current tensions in the region.

While his contentious military action in Libya and failed attempts to bomb Syria blot his copybook, he was in charge when the RAF joined an international coalition to rout ISIS.

And he got one very, very big call right: the decision to start training Ukrainian troops in 2014.

Quite where all this leaves Sunak’s conference pledge to be a candidate of change, remains to be seen.

But that is playing second fiddle today, to No10’s delight in pulling off what they see as a major coup.

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