Russian fighter jet targeted by missiles from its own side in crazy footage

Russian jet narrowly avoids missiles from its own side

Crazy footage has shown the moment a Russian jet was targeted by missiles from its own side.

The incident appears to have happened somewhere in Ukraine, and was shared by by pro-war Telegram channel Two Majors.

Two video clips show a Russian Sukhoi Su-25 jet flying over a Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS).

Five rockets are then launched in quick succession, narrowly missing the aircraft.

The second video clip seemingly shows a heated argument between what appears to be the pilot and personnel on the ground.

A person can be heard in the footage warning ground troops to stay alert after the missile attack.

According to War Translated on X (formerly Twittter), the voice said: “Let them know this is so wrong.”

Then, another person berates the MLRS operators, using a homophobic slur in the process.

They said: “Tell them I’m going to fire on them.”

Two Majors said: “Our warriors are people of unbridled courage. They are in such a rush to hit the enemy, that they do not look at what is happening around them. The footage is truly unique.”

This comes after footage emerged in November that showed a Russian Su-25 jet being shot down in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region.

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The incident occurred near Avdiivka, a city that is now at the centre of the fighting between Russia and Ukraine.

It also meant that 323 Russian aircraft had been shot down since the invasion started in 2022, as per Ukrainian figures.

Russian forces began using the Su-25 in the early 1980s.

It remained in production until 2017.

As Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, a US think tank has laid out what could happen if Putin’s forces are victorious over Kyiv.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) warned in its new report that a “Russian conquest of all of Ukraine is by no means impossible if the United States cuts off all military assistance and Europe follows suit.”

It adds that NATO countries would be vulnerable to attacks that NATO won’t be able to stop with the current number of troops in Europe.

The ISW added: “They could make such an attack and still threaten the Baltic States and Finland with the forces already present there and reinforcements they have announced they intend to station along the Finnish borders.

“Russian ground forces would be covered by a dense air defense network of S-300, S-400, and S-500 long-range anti-air and anti-missile systems with overlapping coverage of the entire front.

“NATO would be unable to defend against such an attack with the forces currently in Europe.

“The United States would need to move large numbers of American soldiers to the entire eastern NATO border from the Baltic to the Black Sea to deter Russian adventurism and be prepared to defeat a Russian attack.”

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