Watch the Mail's exclusive documentary on Sudiksha Thirumalesh

EXCLUSIVE: The parents of Sudiksha Thirumalesh have revealed their anger after their daughter was condemned to die in secret. Now watch the Mail’s exclusive documentary on their daughter’s awe-inspiring battle for life

  • Family of Sudiksha Thirumalesh have now been able to identify their daughter

A heartbreaking documentary made by the Mail has been released telling the story of the tragic death of the little girl known only until yesterday as ST.

Now as a draconian court order banning Sudiksha Thirumalesh’s name from being public has been lifted her devastated parents have spoken out.

Her father Thirumalesh Hemachandran and mother Revathi Thirumalesh, both 55, believe despite her condition of mitochondrial depletion syndrome her life could have been extended.

Her heartbroken mother said: ‘Her struggles and battles in the ICU will continue to haunt us for the rest of our lives.

‘We are emotionally, financially and physically drained after going through this one year, two month-long journey in ICU, next to Sudiksha’s bedside.

‘We felt like the clinicians were waiting for Sudiksha’s death. We feel that the ICU doctors were playing God and we detest it.’

Watch the documentary here

Her parents, too, can now reveal themselves – her father Thirumalesh Hemachandran and mother Revathi Thirumalesh, both 55

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