I get a strong erection watching porn but need Viagra with my wife | The Sun

DEAR DEIDRE: TAKING Viagra solved my erection problems for a while but even that doesn’t help any more

I am 47 and my wife is 45. We have been married for 12 years and have two children, aged nine and seven.

I can get a strong erection when I watch porn, which I do on a regular basis – not that my wife knows.

I am not addicted but I do watch it in secret, usually when she is at work or taking the kids out somewhere.

It is only when I attempt to have sex with my wife that the problems start.

I found it upsetting, so for a while I stopped trying.

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Then I started taking Viagra. It seemed like the perfect solution but now I struggle to get an erection even with the pills, so I make excuses.

My wife hasn’t said much about it yet.

She just thinks I am stressed or tired. I have gone along with it for now.

We used to have a regular sex life and it was fantastic, anytime and anywhere.

So I know it is only a matter of time before she starts questioning me over the lack of intimacy.

I fear I might lose her if something doesn’t change.

Do you think it is because of the porn?



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DEIDRE SAYS: It is a possibility. Lots of men view porn online and many become addicted.

It has a tendency to numb your sexual responses by introducing more extreme scenarios.

You need to face up to what is happening and stop watching the porn.

But if you are in any doubt, see your doctor for a check-up to rule out any underlying medical cause.

My support pack on Solving Erection Problems explains self-help sex therapy, while my support pack on Internet Pornography Worries can help you wean yourself off porn and back on to having sex with your wife again.

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