How to choose a French Bulldog puppy

If you are considering buying a French Bulldog Puppies for Sale, take the time to find a reliable kennel that has been verified by a large number of buyers. This is the only way you can buy a dog:

  • thoroughbred;
  • without serious genetic defects;
  • vaccinated;
  • with a stable psyche (not shy, not aggressive).

Additionally, the new owner receives a puppy card, pedigree and vaccination book. Pay attention to the habits of the future pet. It should be moderately well-fed puppy, active, courageous, playful. Ears, eyes should be clean, hair without bald spots. It is recommended to take a baby from the age of 8, even better 10-12 weeks. Be sure to ask about the nature and habits of the parents – many traits are transmitted genetically.

The life expectancy of dogs of this breed with proper care is 10-13 years. Some individuals reach the age of 14 years or more, but this is rare. In general, French Bulldogs are reasonably healthy, although there are several common diseases.

  • Skin – if left untreated, dermatitis can develop in the skin folds of the muzzle or between the fingers.
  • Eyes – dogs are prone to conjunctivitis, blepharitis, glaucoma, cataracts. Sometimes there is such an anomaly as the third eyelid.
  • Back – Many pets suffer from problems with intervertebral discs. This is due to the fact that the breed was bred with the help of the smallest representatives of the English Bulldogs, which can hardly be called a standard of health.
  • Reproductive system – anatomical features complicate natural insemination and childbirth. Most puppies are born by caesarean section.
  • Thermoregulation – a flattened muzzle negatively affects heat transfer. Dogs are equally sensitive to heat and cold. Some airlines do not allow these animals to be transported because they often die in transit.
  • Breathing – Even when awake, French Bulldogs emit a slight grunt, but at night it can turn into a powerful snore. Obese animals are especially susceptible to this.
  • Allergies – most often, pets are prone to food reactions.