Hulking ‘lava lout’ enforcer dubbed ‘chop chop’ ordered to give woman £3k back

A "lava lout" gangland enforcer has been told he must return a woman's £3,000 after extorting her of the money when chasing a drug debt.

Hulking Sebastian Jones, 35, had hit up the innocent mother for the eye-watering sum with another gang member. They demanded Rebecca Livesley hand over £15,000 to cover a drugs debt racked up by her ex-partner. Her former partner's mother would "get her f***ing head blown off" should she not pay, the duo said.

Miss Livesley managed to borrow £2,000 from her father and added £1,000 of her personal finance before hand delivering it to Jones' home, which had a bust of Roman emperor Nero in the window. Following the delivery, Rebecca notified the police.

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A Proceeds of Crime Court has since ruled Jones, nicknamed "Chop Chop" must surrender the £3,000 and return it to Livesley within three months, else he will face seven days in prison. Accomplice Christopher Swift, 30, was told to pay back a measly £1.

The duo were members of a group dubbed the "lava louts" with father-of-one Jones and Swift members. Jones alleged the group was saving dogs across La Palma while a volcano erupted following the release of a controversial photograph on the island.

He and three pals were spotted breaching Spanish police checkpoints to take photos near an erupting volcano. Exotic holidays were a particular constant for Jones, whose trips to Portugal and Spain with his glamorous wife seen on his social media accounts.

Jones was jailed in September for 24 months after pleading guilty to blackmail. Swift pleaded guilty to the same charge and received 27 months behind bars.

Jones had acted as an "intermediary" to a group of "associates" hoping to make good on the allegedly owed £15,000. Accompanied by Swift, the duo knocked on the door of the victim's home in Mossley and made their demands.

Miss Livesley sent her children and father upstairs out of harm's way upon realising why the two men were at her property. Swift threatened her and told her he had "put the windows through" the wrong house before.

Further comments from Swift were: "I'm from Salford, mate. I'm not from rounds here." In reference to her ex-boyfriend, Swift added: "I'll go to his mother's house and blow her f***ing head off."

The victim was said to be "worried for herself and her family" following the threats from Swift. Jones later accepted the duo had "crossed the line" by appearing at the family's home to demand payments.

Jones claimed his involvement with the group was "short lived" and that there was an "absence of actual violence" at the time of the interaction. He also insists he "did nothing aggressive during the encounter".

Speaking of Mr Jones, Andrew MacIntosh prosecuting told the court: "He has benefitted to the tune of £3,000 and we would invite the court to make him pay compensation to the complainant. There is equity in his matrimonial home so there is money available."

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