Sergey Tokarev about initiatives that bring up new opportunities for Ukraine to grow

Like never before, Ukraine needs to unite expertise and bring up fresh ideas to grow and promote the values it has been developing for decades. The war has become a stronger motivation for businessmen, entrepreneurs, and various companies to invest in insightful projects that discover valuable knowledge and great support for the Ukrainian people. AI House, STEM is FEM, and SET University are among those initiatives that have changed the tech development of the country. Sergey Tokarev, the co-founder of initiatives, spoke about them in detail.

A big jump to tech education by SET University

SET University is a technological university founded by Sergey Tokarev and the Kyiv School of Economics in 2021. The university offers both formal and informal education.

In the spring, SET University launched an online cybersecurity platform for teenagers and their parents to be current with the latest information about digital security during wartime. Accordingly, the university launched a course on cyber security for those who want to get a profession in this area.

SET University has launched a new project in August. This is SET Bootcamp created in partnership with the European accelerator and investor Startup Wise Guys, the global digital hub for impact tech tech2impact, and with the participation of Google. SET Bootcamp is a three-week educational project for startups focused on contributing to the economic development and recovery of Ukraine. Participants will discover more about startup development: user research, prototyping, finance, marketing strategy and sales, fundraising, and preparing a presentation for investors.

Sergey Tokarev mentions another project initiated by SET University. This is the Ukrainian Global University, founded by a consortium of Ukrainian educational institutions. The project’s goal is to restore Ukraine. Thus, it will help Ukrainian students, scholarship holders, and teachers gain access to international educational institutions where they can study and conduct research. The project founders intend to overcome the devastating consequences of Russian aggression in Ukraine and to appeal to world-leading experience in constructing a new country. So the main condition for participants is to come back to Ukraine after training.

In September 2022,  SET University will welcome the first students to study.

STEM is FEM ― tech education for girls

Sergey Tokarev is the founder of the initiative STEM is FEM which allows girls aged 12 to 16 to obtain knowledge on machine learning, application prototyping, and building data-driven web applications. Participants can take such online IT courses for free.

In addition, STEM is FEM has an objective to educate 150 girls. So, the project will carry out ten courses within two months to enable female students to get valuable skills to build their careers in IT.

AI House by Roosh

The initiative AI House is created to develop the AI community in Ukraine. It is a part of the Roosh ecosystem. It involves the best experts known worldwide: Sébastien Bubeck (Microsoft), Alex Smola (Amazon Web), Gaël Varoquaux (INRIA), and Yoshua Bengio (Mila/U. Montreal).

The project conducts lectures and workshops where participants will learn about compressing models for deep learning, AutoML, evaluating machine learning models and their diagnostic value, etc.

Sergey Tokarev adds that each participant needs to donate at least $1 or UAH 10 to take the project AI House. The money is transferred to the charity fund Come Back Alive.