What are the benefits of showreel video? How much does it cost?

Showreels are a great way to showcase your best work and market yourself as a creative. They can be used to secure new clients, attract people to your website and even help you get jobs. Just like any marketing tool, it’s important that you know how to make the most of yours. In this guide, we’ll look at what showreels are and how they can benefit your business. We’ll also discuss how much they cost (and if they’re worth it), what goes into making one and why you should consider creating a marketing show reel in the first place!

What is showreel video?

A showreel is a short film that shows off your talent and skills. They’re usually used by actors, dancers and musicians to promote themselves or their business. Showreels are also used by companies who want to hire you as an employee but need to see what kind of work you can do before they make an offer.

Showreels can be used for job applications, interviews or as a portfolio of your work.

How much do showreel videos cost?

The cost of a showreel video depends on how much you want to spend. Although you can hire professional video editors, it is also possible to do it yourself with free video editing software.

How long does it take to make a show reel edit?

The length of time required to make a showreel edit depends on the project. Some company showreels may even go as long as 4 to 5 minutes. However, in general, it can take anywhere from 1-3 days. The longer your video is and the more footage you have, the longer it will take to produce your showreel edit. It is best to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve before you start filming – this will speed up the process and allow us to work around any scheduling conflicts if possible

What should you include in a showreel video?

The first thing you should do is to make sure that you’ve got your best work in there. This is the most important part of a showreel, so make sure it’s as strong as possible. You’ll also want to include a variety of projects, skills and clients in your reel…

It’s also essential that you have a good mix of projects. If all your footage consists of advertising campaigns for one brand, that’s going to look bad on its own. You need at least three or four different types of work in there – maybe even more!

You should certainly include some variety when it comes to location shooting too. Make sure there are some shots from inside studios but also try for some outside ones too – if possible with natural light only (unless this isn’t possible due to weather conditions).

Why create a marketing showreel?

Showreels are an incredibly powerful tool for marketing your business, especially if you’re looking to attract new customers or clients. The way they help is by giving potential customers something concrete to see instead of just reading a list of your skills and abilities (which isn’t very compelling). A showreel video also helps your business stand out from the competition and can quickly convey exactly what kind of work you do in just a few minutes. Showreels also give people who are considering hiring you an idea of how well-suited you are for their needs, which will help them decide whether or not it’s worth hiring someone else instead. Finally, showreels can be used to actually sell services—you’ll find out more about this later on!

Show reel edit tips

  • Don’t include too many clips. A show reel should be short and sweet, and no one wants to watch a montage that feels like it will last forever. Try to keep your show reel under two minutes max—even if you have more work than that, trim down the footage so it’s digestible in that time frame.
  • Don’t include clips that are too long or too short. While most professionals suggest keeping your clips at around 10 seconds each, there’s flexibility here depending on what kind of work you do—if you’re an editor who works mostly with longer form content like commercials or documentaries, then feel free to play around with this guideline and make something more cinematic! The important thing is just not to go overboard either way: if it takes up too much time on screen without showing anything new or interesting visually (or vice versa), then consider cutting it down or moving onto another clip altogether!

You can use an exciting, creative show reel as a dynamic sales tool for your business

A show reel is a powerful tool that can help you sell your business. It’s an opportunity to show off your work and get it in front of a wider audience. You can use an exciting, creative show reel as a dynamic sales tool for your business.

Advantages of using a Showreel Video:

  • Promote yourself and demonstrate what you do best
  • Create leads by sharing with potential clients online
  • Express your creativity and passion through film


A show reel is a great way to show off your talent and skills. It can be used for many different reasons, but one of the most important is to promote yourself as an actor. It gives potential employers the chance to see what you have been working on recently and allows them to find out more about your background before they make any decisions about hiring you as an employee or casting