Horror seaside town dubbed ‘desperate dead end’ with ‘smashed up pubs’ all over

A seaside town has been dubbed a horror hell hole which is nothing more than a "desperate dead end".

Rather stark comments on Newbiggin-by-the-Sea may come as a surprise to its 5,953-strong population, but the area was blasted for being a bit miserable. The seaside town was explored by YouTube channel Turdtowns, who ranked it as the fifth-worst place in Northumberland.

The fishing port and former trade route had based itself in coal mining until 1967, and according to the UK traveller, has not recovered. It instead morphed into a "strange" area filled with curious statues and little else.

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It is not all bad for the seaside down, though it was described as a "desperate" place where the only salvation comes from leaving. Although the winter months were a cause for concern, the warmer seasons may prove palatable.

The verdict from Turdtowns was not a positive one. He said: "I didn't completely hate Newbiggin, it was just a bit of a strange place. I can imagine this place being a desperate kind of place in the winter.

"It felt like a place which was trying to be tourist-y, but I cannot imagine wanting to actually visit here. It seems some people did used to visit here though as there were holiday parks. It sounds like they are all up for sale now though."

Even with an alleged lack of things to do, the tour of the town took a nosedive when they came across the Couples statue. The notorious art installation, sculpted by Sean Henry, did not delight this particular visitor.

He added: "It turns out Newbiggin is not just a tourist-y place, but it is also a former mining town. Much of the town has a derelict, run down look to it. It is a lot like the other seaside towns seen on this channel, but I doubt this one was ever that good.

"The main road through the town is literally a dead end. Very appropriate for a place like this. It barely even feels like a town. It's nothing but a Co-op, some smashed up pubs and second-hand furniture shops."

Though scathing in their criticism, a few points were gained for the state of the beach, which was described as "nice". Still, temperature drops meant dipping in for a brief swim was unlikely.

"The temperatures rarely reach above 15 degrees," Turdtowns claimed. It may make a trip into the ocean a bit nippy, but it would surely be much more enjoyable than a wander around the town.

Beyond being "alright for walking the dog", the beach provided little else, except for a strange sculpture much loved by locals and tourists. People flock from far and wide to see the Couples statue, which has baffled some who see it for themselves.

Despite the infuriating lack of placards on the sculpture, it appears those who planted the first installation were more than happy with the result, and opted for another one.

A visit to the town displayed the statues, with the tourist adding: "There was nothing set up to explain all this craziness. What was the relevance of this couple? Why did they look like they had just had an argument?

"This is apparently a pretty big deal locally and people flock from miles around to see these sculptures." But beyond the oddly placed sculptures and general lack of things to do, Newbiggin-by-the-Sea proved rather cheap when it comes to Northumbria.

Money for an average house in Northumberland costs around £207,000, though Newbiggin is well below the mark, with the average home costing £117,000.

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