Russian police mocked after ordering blue and yellow balcony be torn down

Russian police have been mocked for ordering that part of a blue and yellow balcony be torn down.

Residents in a region bordering Ukraine were reportedly told to remove a blanket from their balcony as the combination of colours was a reminder of the flag of the eastern European nation.

The incident allegedly happened in the Belgorod Oblast, a Russian region sharing its southern border with the Ukrainian Luhansk, Kharkiv, and Sumy Oblasts.

Pictures shared on the Telegram channel of UNITED24Media, the digital media centre created by the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation, show a balcony on the last floor of a tall building with its outer rim coloured yellow.

The first of the two snaps also shows a blue blanket hanging on the balcony, an image which may remind the Ukrainian blue and yellow flag.

A second snap shows the blanket no longer being exposed on the balcony.

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The Telegram channel claimed the removal of the blue item was the result of the intervention of local police.

Officers reportedly stepped in after a person described on the online page of Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov as “inappropriate” the display of the colours “of the country that is at war with us”, UNITED24Media wrote.

This report sparked online mockery, with one Telegram user replying to the post writing: “Scary colours!”

A second, referring to Kremlin’s propaganda stating the war in Ukraine is being undertaken to “denazify” the nation, joked: “They denazified the balcony, good job comrade!”

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Belgorod is one of the Russian regions to have been affected the most by the ongoing war with Ukraine.

Local authorities have claimed multiple times the region had been subjected to drone attacks and shellings, as well as a spate of ground incursions by pro-Ukrainian paramilitary groups.

In early June, thousands of residents in the town of Shebekino were asked to leave their homes and relocate to safer areas within the region, marking the largest evacuation in Russia since the Kremlin ordered the invasion of Ukraine.

By July, some 800 buildings had been reportedly damaged in the town since the beginning of the summer, including almost 500 homes.

More recently, on October 7, Mr Gladkov claimed shelling of the village of Urazovo killed a man.

Moreover, he claimed 14 private homes were damaged and a utility building, a storage facility and one social facility were destroyed in the attack.

Kyiv has rarely taken responsibility for attacks launched outside of its internationally recognised borders.

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